17th Mar 2013

Work continues, the plasterboard has now been installed across all internal walls and the ceiling. It really feels like the rooms are taking shape. 

The photo below is taken from the new rear bedroom looking back towards the existing house. The grey block wall down the landing is the internal wall of the original house. Just beyond the wall is the existing shower in the en-suite.

The front room with its large window opening is ideal for deliveries of plasterboard etc.

The photo below is taken from where the new shower in the new en-suite will be. The window is in place to the left, where as the window on the right will soon be removed and bricked up.

The challenge of still managing to live in the house with all this work happening leads to Heath Robinson solutions such as the picture below, just to ensure a phone line still works. Not my best cabling or equipment installation but it will do for now.

Eventually the cabling will be tidied up and mounted properly on a Krone panel as used by big businesses in telephone exchanges etc. If you are going to do something, do it right is my approach (well at least in the long term).