30th May 2012

From the outside, it doesn't look like much has changed. There has been a lot of work completed though. The garage roof tiles have been taken off, yet another skip of rubbish is ready to be taken away. Thankfully these days the skips go to recycling places rather than landfill.

As you may have noticed from the grey sky, especially on the photo above, it doesn't feel like summer has arrived yet.

The concrete has been laid, both inside the garage to strengthen the footing for the additional weight and in the area shown below between the existing garage and the house.

17th May 2012

Feels like progress is really being made now, the ground works are well under way. This has been hard work, not for me, I've just been making the coffee... The builders have had to contend all the holes and footings they have had to dig, being constantly flooded with water. The ground is saturated, hopefully summer will bring some finer weather.

First some outside photos. This one is taken looking down the right hand side of the garage from the front. It is where the BMW was parked in the earlier photo.

The next two photos are taken on the left hand side of the garage, first the view from the front, then the view from the back garden.

A photo taken further back showing the rear of the garage, the board is covering what will be the new location for the garage door.

A temporary solution to the down pipe from the gutter can be seen in these photos. There is no way Incy Wincy will make it all the way up there again.

The next few photos show the footings being dug out in the garage to add strength and support for the inner wall which is to be built later. The first two photos are taken from the back corner of the garage looking towards the road from both above and below the garage floor level.

In the photo above, you can see just how much of the clay and soil that fell away under the concrete garage floor due to all the water that kept filling up these trenches. This was just prior to the concrete being poured, you can see all the re-enforcing bars already in place ready for the concrete.

The next two photos are taken along the back wall of the garage, you can see the cut out for the new garage door position in the wall on the right.

2nd May 2012

So far its just been ground works and clearing things out of the way. The builders have been very busy and very wet thanks to the weather we have been having. Its good to see the first skip being removed though.